“New collaboration of NextComGroup in the green energy sector. PVMAINT Energy Services is now part of the Group.”

PVMAINT Energy Services, continuing its 10-year successful trajectory in the Greek market with significant experience in the construction and maintenance of photovoltaic systems exceeding 150MW and with more than 400 installed systems, is now joining the Next-Energy division of NextCom Group.

PVMAINT, staffed by 25 highly experienced engineers specializing in the design, construction, and maintenance of renewable energy projects, aims to enhance its competitiveness and expand into large-scale green energy utilization projects through its incorporation into NextCom Group.

As Filippos Lazarakos, a member of PVMAINT’s Management Team, stated, with a workforce boasting significant construction experience and aiming for the company’s development under conditions of maturity and safety, we can now be confident in PVMAINT’s sustainability and long-term resilience under the “umbrella” of a dynamically growing Group.

Anastasios Marios Kitsaras, Founder, Chairman & CEO of NextComGroup, mentioned, “With particular attention to and understanding of the developments in the green growth sector, we welcome PVMAINT to the large family of the Group. The integration of PVMAINT into NextCom Group is part of the implementation of a strategic business development plan that includes well-designed investments in the energy resource management sectors, and we are confident that the new team will excel and fulfill its vision within our ecosystem.”

Next-Energy, as part of the energy sector of NextCom Group, with activities in the study, installation, and maintenance of photovoltaic systems and wind farms, the development of green hydrogen production, storage, and use technologies, the preparation of environmental impact studies, and the energy upgrading of building facilities, serves the concept of sustainable development and climate neutrality in the most efficient manner.